In this workshop, Yori Kamphuis will give you a crash course update on the latest technological developments from various fields. You will get to see how they fit in a bigger picture of what the future may bring us and will discuss how these technologies can, may or should (not) influence society and business. And what society and business may or may not become because of the developments!
Yori is the co-founder of Coblue, a company that has developed products for improving cyber security for large organizations, a crypto currency forensics tool called Cointel, and a non-cloud collaboration solution called Storro. The Kairos Society elected Coblue as one of the 50 most innovative university startups worldwide in 2012, and Coblue and Storro have won numerous innovation awards. SecondSight elected Yori as Futurist of the Year in 2013 and the Dutch national magazine Vrij Nederland (Free Netherlands) elected him as one of the ‘101 most interesting technologists, inventors and tinkerers’ of the Netherlands. Look forward to Yori’s forward-thinking workshop!
>> 2016 Annual Conference & General Assembly: Inspire through Innovation