Do you spark change in your environment, have achieved outstanding results in your field and have a thought-provoking idea or exceptional skills you’d like to share? Do you have the ability to engage audiences in lively and informative discussions?
Deliver an inspiring speech to a group of open-minded individuals who are avid for knowledge and ready to take action.
Spread an innovative idea among professionals whose lives are focused on innovation.
Hold a personal and professional development workshop on topics such as negotiation, public speaking, time management, debating etc and contribute to the career success of our talented members.
Network and exchange knowledge with a group of brilliant minds.
Meet potential partners or team members. HUTACers excel in everything they do.
Working with the HUTAC group was a great pleasure. I like to call them ‘the group of hope’. The members are bright. They are smart and they dare to challenge – others and themselves. If they keep on doing that for the rest of their career and the rest of their lives, these people can really make a difference in the world.