Everyone knows healthy habits are important: eating well, exercising, and leading a balanced lifestyle. But do you really know the precise impacts a healthy lifestyle can have on your body and mind and why it is so important to nurture the development of healthy habits? Healthy habits are those habits...Read More
What do you do while travelling, cleaning up or running errands? Do you listen to music or to the radio? In the past year I have gotten into quite an active life rhythm which doesn’t give me a lot of time to sit down and read. Often on the go, I’ve...Read More
Looking for a good read for the vacation? Or maybe for some gift ideas for the holiday season? The HUTAC Board members have put together a list of books that left a mark on them. Browse through, make your choice and let us know what inspired you the most! 438 Days: An Extraordinary...Read More
We’re all dreading the approaching dark winter days. And even though Dutch weather is full of surprises and summer often chooses to extend its charm, it’s always a good idea to fill your agenda and make sure you’ll keep yourself entertained and warm in the months to come. This is why...Read More
Moving from a 9-to-5 (actually, make that 9-to-7), full-time job to an apparently freedom-infused freelancing career may sound like every bored corporate’s dream. Sure, it’s nice to sometimes wake up at 9 instead of having already answered a dozen emails by the same time. And being able to jump on a...Read More
Creativity is not a gift reserved for artists, advertisers or writers. Brain research shows that no matter your education background or profession, if you follow certain techniques, you can also come up with ground-breaking ideas. A recent article published in a special edition of the Scientific American: Mind, ‘The Aha!...Read More
Do you sense that the way organisations are run today has been stretched to its limits? Do you notice the struggles companies encounter when they try to improve their agility? Bureaucracy makes culture change and process improvement very hard and this is why many of us are longing for truly...Read More
Loosely speaking, improv is a form of theatre where the players create a situation in front of an audience in the hopes of generating laughs. Leadership, on the other hand, is the ability to take command of a situation, inspire trust and loyalty and help individuals and groups achieve things...Read More
Do you often have to speak in public? Would you like to improve your presentation skills and get to feel more comfortable speaking in front of your audience? I recently read Barbara Rogoski’s book ‘Boring to Brilliant! A speaker’s guide’ and found her tips very useful so I thought I’d share some...Read More
We’ve recently invited Ryan Millar, writer, communications trainer and improviser/comedian, to hold a storytelling workshop for the HUTAC community. The event was truly inspiring, fun and interactive. Through a series of dynamic exercises we gained an insight into how powerful stories take shape, learnt how to train our brain to make connections between things...Read More
In the past days you’ve probably noticed a series of developments unrolling at HUTAC. Our website has undergone a spectacular facelift! In addition to making some significant aesthetic improvements, we have implemented a series of features to reflect the dynamism of our unique community. So what’s new? 1. Improved user experience We restructured the...Read More