

2015 General Assembly & How to talk like TED

The event featured a public speaking workshop led by TEDx speaker coach, Barbara Rogoski. We learned a series of effective ways to define and clarify our key messages, engage...
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2015 Annual Conference: 360° Leadership

The 2015 Annual Conference revolved around the year’s theme, 360° Leadership, and gathered more than 50 participants. With two inspirational keynote speeches and six interactive workshops, the...
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Storytelling as Never before

In this workshop we got to master the most powerful way of selling our ideas to the world: storytelling! We learnt about how being able to tell an...
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HUTAC Wins the Debate

During this workshop we learnt the tricks of successful debating from world class debaters, Jeroen Heun and Eric Stam. This interactive and challenging training enhanced our persuasion and...
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