2016 Annual Conference & General Assembly: Inspire through Innovation
What does innovation mean in your field? What skills do you need to innovate? What is the secret of recognised innovative organisations? How can you successfully...Read More
The art of hosting: conversations that matter
On 9 July 2016 we gathered at the social enterprise incubator, Impact Hub Amsterdam, to learn about the Art of Hosting, an innovative approach to leadership that...Read More
Storytelling as Never before
In this workshop we got to master the most powerful way of selling our ideas to the world: storytelling! We learnt about how being able to tell an...Read More
HUTAC Wins the Debate
During this workshop we learnt the tricks of successful debating from world class debaters, Jeroen Heun and Eric Stam. This interactive and challenging training enhanced our persuasion and...Read More
2014 General Assembly & Business Flirting Workshop
The event featured a dynamic workshop which provided participants with tips and tricks on how to grow in an organisation by using the power of...Read More