Having finished his Bachelor’s in Mathematics in Indonesia, Syafri taught Mathematical courses for one year at a local university before pursuing his Master’s degree in Financial Engineering – Applied Mathematics at TU Twente, the Netherlands. Since then he has worked for several Dutch financial institutions such as ABN Amro, AEGON Asset Management and Rabobank. He was also a part time lecturer at TU Twente for a computational finance course. All these endeavours were possible thanks to the Huygens Scholarship. Therefore, he would like to channel his contributions via HUTAC, which he believes to be a great platform for young talented people to meet and share ideas.
His interests vary from maths and programming, to cooking, magic, and dance (hip-hop and salsa). Having lived in Japan as an exchange student opened up his perspectives. He is open-minded and enjoys sharing stories and ideas with people from different backgrounds as he believes that each person is unique and each of us have our own unique experiences to bring to the table. Therefore, he is very enthusiastic to be part of the Board and connect with the HUTAC network.
His personal motto is “it’s not right, it’s not wrong, it’s just different”.